How Sloths Communicate

Vulcanian Sloth
Sloths have been known to lose up to a third of their body weight in one sitting! This weird weekly routine remains one of the biggest mysteries surrounding sloth behaviour and one that scientists have struggled to explain for decades. The likely explanation is that it’s all about communication and reproduction. TWO-TOED AND THREE-TOED SLOTHS AREN'T ALL THAT SIMILAR. The cute little babe. For the sloth, however, it is a happy relationship. Sloth hair is long, rough, and grooved in such a way as to encourage the presence of bacteria and algae. The algae gives sloths a terrific disguise by turning them green, which makes them harder to spot against the green leaves in which they live. Animal communication - Animal communication - Signal production: The challenge faced by a sender is the creation of a controlled perturbation of the environment that can be detected and recognized by a receiver. Sound production is one mechanism. Sound travels in waves, and thus any sound can be characterized by its component frequencies and the physical size of each wave component (called the.
by Jamie BatyDragon 161
Gargantuan Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 45d10+450 (697 hp)
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), burrow 10 ft. (2 squares)
Armour Class: 13 (-4 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural), touch 7, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +45/+70
Attack: Bite +54 melee (3d12 +13)
Full Attack: Bite +54 melee (3d12 +13) and 2 claw +53 melee (2d6 +8)
Space/Reach: 20 ft. /15 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Arctic Dweller, darkvision 60ft., empathy, hold breath, low-light vision, resistance to cold 10, scent
Saves: Fort +36, Ref +27, Will +18
Abilities: Str 37, Dex 13, Con 31, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 14
Skills: Balance +7, Listen +15, Search +3, Spot +15, Survival +7, Swim +19
Feats: Alertness, Awesome Blow, Cleave, Endurance, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (claw), Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Run, Track, Weapon Focus(Claw), Weapon Specialisation (Claw)
Environment: Cold land
Organisation: Solitary, or Family (2-5)
Challenge Rating: 22
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually lawful neutral
Advancement: 46-90 HD (Gargantuan); 91-135 HD (Colossal)
Level Adjustment: -
The Vulcanian sloth is a gargantuan monster living in the region that stretches from the southernmost coastline of Vulcania in the Outer-World to the area south of the White Peninsula in the Hollow World. Although rare, it is more likely to be found in the Dark Lands at the southern entrance of the Hollow World. Unlike other sloths, this one is carnivorous.
The sloth grows to be 60' long. Its front paws have very sharp claws useful in combat or to grip the ice and their width allows it to walk on thick snow. The sloth's thick white fur provides excellent protection against Antarctic temperatures.
Though semi-intelligent, the sloth is capable of limited reasoning. It has the ability to communicate its feelings and to read other beings' minds by empathy, a nonmagical and natural ability the sloth uses when it meets another creature acting in a friendly or unexpected fashion. Particular individuals and events affecting the sloth's life are usually remembered. The Vulcanian sloth can live to be 150 years old. Once every 10 years, it digs a large burrow in the ice and finds a mate. No more than two adult sloths will be found in the lair, in addition to 1-3 pups (10% chance).
Sloths normally hunt alone, digging through ice to dive for whales, seals, walruses, and large fish. They occasionally surprise surface dwellers by swimming under ice, then suddenly smashing through the ice to attack.

How Tall Are Sloths

Vulcanian sloths are not aggressive towards most creatures unless hunting or hungry. When they fight, they attack with razor sharp claws and a wicked bite. They have been known to smash up through ice to attack unsuspecting prey.
Arctic Dweller (Ex): Vulcanian sloths are sure-footed while moving over ice and packed snow and suffer no penalties from moving through these conditions.

Empathy (Ex): A Vulcanian sloth, as a full round action, has the ability to communicate its feelings and to read other beings' minds by empathy. Only basic emotions and intentions can be conveyed or understood, but it is usually enough for the sloth to understand the intentions of the creatures it meets.
Characters with the Wild Empathy ability gain a +4 bonus to their roll when using the ability on a Vulcanian sloth.
How Do Two Toed Sloths Communicate
Hold Breath (Ex): A Vulcanian sloth can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to 8 × its Constitution score before it risks drowning.
Resistance to Cold (Ex): A Vulcanian sloth has resistance to cold 10/-.
Scent (Ex): This special quality allows a Vulcanian sloth to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.
How Do Sloths Communicate
*Thanks to Thibault, whose Mystara site had the stats and write-up for this overgrown teddy bear.