Jlots Doctrine
Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore occurs when Army and Navy units conduct LOTS operations together under one Joint commander in support of regional Combatant Commanders' exercise program. The mission of the Joint Logistics Over-The-Shore (JLOTS) working group is to facilitate and streamline the coordination between Services and within the JLOTS community of interest; initiatives, doctrine, training and procedures in support of the Combatant Commanders’ JLOTS requirements, and to advocate enhancements and sustainability of JLOTS capabilities. Joint Pub 4-01.6: Joint Logistics over the shore (JLOTS). JP4-01.6050805; Joint Pub 4-02:Health service support. JP4-02061031; Joint Pub 4-03: Joint bulk petroleum and water doctrine. JP4-03101209; Joint Pub 4-04: Joint doctrine for civil engineering support. JP4-04950926; Joint Pub 4-05: Joint Mobilization Planning. Establishes joint doctrine for the conduct of joint logistics over-the-shore (JLOTS) operations across the range of military operations. Includes procedures concerning the transition from amphibious operations to a JLOTS operation.
Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore
Publication JP 4-01.6This publication sets forth joint doctrine and joint tactics, techniques, and procedures for conducting Joint Logistics Over The Shore (JLOTS) operations by the US Military Services during the conduct of joint operations. It provides basic doctrine concerning command relationships, responsibilities, and procedures for JLOTS operations.Terms defined in JP 4-01.6:

Lots Doctrine Definition

Lots Doctrine Vs